English class has been tough, educational, and most importantly, fun class for the past two years. Since we are ending the school year, its time to slow down and review what we all have gone through together and appreciate how our weaknesses have turned into strengths. Thats why I will be writting this blogpost, two of my favorite assignments that I believe have impacted ke are: The Murder Mystery and The Lesson of the Moth Blogpost. 

I will be discussing about my 7th grade assignment, The Murder Mystery.


In this assignment we were shown a picture in which we needed to decide if it were a murder or suicide. We had to circle why we thought it was either one and after a paragraph supporting our idea. My weakness in this assign,ent was that I could not explain my reasoning clearly. For example: I kept using the same transitions, incorrect grammar, and some sentences didnt make any sense at all. In this assignment a F.L.A.G.S outcome I learned was how to be a critical and creative thinker because we needed to analyze a picture and conclude wether or not the person was murdered or committed suicide.


The second assignment I will be talking about is The Lesson of the Moth, which we did in 8th grade.


In this assignment we read a poem in which we analyzed the meaning that in life, we need to take risks and wee where it takes you. After we read and analyzed the poem, we needed to explain on a blogpost the philosophy of the poem. What I did well in this assignment is that I used th correct academic vocabulary and explained my reasoning correctly. A F.L.A.G.S ourcome that I got from this assignment is how to be an effectie communicator because we needed to explain our reasoning of the philosophy.

I have improved deeply from 7th grade to 8th, I started using more advance vocabulary, explained my reasoning clearly to the best of my ability. I have also learned how to explain authors thoughts and use correct evidence for my reasoning, My current weakness as a writer is finding correlation into my evidence and reasoning, I can improve for high school by asking myself if what I’m writting makes sense with the topic and if I am giving it my best.