Westward expansion blog
Because of all the history that has happened in the past, it has made the US a great country. The US constitution is one of the best in the world but, it hasn’t always been this way. In the 1800’s the US went threw what is now called, The Westward Expansion. US was not committed to the democratic ideals. Before, the US was a bad country that did what is now called racism and is illegal here. In paragraph E it states, “it is thus all our rights are invaded”. This means that people in the west were invaded and there rights were taken away with them having to leave. In document F it states, “many days pass and people die very much.” Which means they were put threw a lot and the cherooke people were moved to new lands. Also in document C it says, “movment of indian tribes into oaklahoma.. Others were pressured to move, and some, such as seminole, were forcibly moved.” This means that people were forced to move to oaklahoma and not having many choices. By this it means that the US had many unfair laws making it a unfair country. After all these, mistakes the US manage to get out of these bad habits and be one of the best!