For the past two years i’ve had Ms. Lepre, english has been a fun and exciting way to challenge ourselves. In this blog post i will share with you my improvements and the ways I’ve grown in my english class. The two assignments I’ve decided to use to show my growth were my 7th grade performance task, and my 8th grade narrative essay. Im using them because they are both essays that will show my growth in spelling and sharing a main idea.


The assignment above is my 7th grade performance task. The assignment was to write a essay about different types of water are unsafe, I personally chose to write how bottles water is unsafe. On this assignment I got a A- but it has plenty of spelling mistakes that I’ve improved on throughout the year. This assignment has helped me become an effective communicator and its made me global and civic minded, this helped me become a effective communicator because I was able to read different sources and write about it in a multi paragraph essay. It has also made me global and civic minded because I and able to write about problems with the economy and global communities.


The second assignment I chose to use was my 8th grade narrative essay. In this assignement we had to write a narrative about a topic and the topic I chose was about a boy in Oklahoma who lost his home. On this assignement I made no spelling mistakes and I did a good job on using quotations. This assignment has helped me become a effective communicator because I am able to read about a subject and write about it. This assignment has also helped me become global and civic mimded because im writing about something that happened a while ago.

Throught 7th and 8th grade ive improved on my spelling and on my quotations. For highschool I think I will have to work on being able to incorperate different parts of an article, I can get better at this by writing about other subjects.