English class has been like a roller coaster, good then challenging, but over all really easy and good for thr past 2 years. Im writing this blog post to compare how I improved in my second year (8th grade) compared to my first year (7th grade). I chose 2 assignments to represent how imporved; in my first year, one assignment I chose was a murder mystery, in my second year, I chose a blog post (like this one) about my personality offline and online. I chose these assigments because it will show you how my writing skills improved one year to the next.

image  This 7th grade assignment was about a man named Mr. Winston, who was either murdered or committed suicide. The point of the assignment was to gather evidence to prove if he was murdered in his own home, or he committed suicide. I concluded that he was murdered. In the picture above, highlighted in purple, is a strength, which was a good intro and a good central idea so that the reader knows what im standing for and what she/he is going to read about. A weakness, highlighted in blue, was needing to elaborate more on my evidence and details. The FLAGS outcome of this assignment is that it made me a critical and creative thinker because it made me ‘think outside the box’, meaning that it made me think differently about the assignment given to me.

image This 8th grade assignment was about a blog post explaining if you have the same personality offline and online. The point of this assignment was to just show how you are or arent the same offline and online. In this case, I am the same person on and offline. In the picture above, the highlighted purple section is a strength, which is a good introduction still and a good main idea to let the reader have an idea in their head about what their about to read. Highlighted in blue is a weakness because I need to make a more clearer ending to finish off strong and so the reader stops reading in a good way. The FLAGS outcome of this assignment is that it made me still a critical and creative thinker because it made me think more about how to explain what im thinking.

I improved as a writer between 7th and 8th grade because I learned how to explain and elaborate more about what im writing and getting into more detail so that the reader can get a more clear picture in his/her head. My weakness in 8th grade is my conclusions, and how I can improve that for high school is that I can write a better summary fot my conclusion so that I finish my writing strong.