English class for first and second semester has been challenging. Our teacher has slowly been pushing us to harder tasks and now that we’ve learned how to do those things its a lot easier. Im writing this blog post to show how i’ve grown from semester one of 8th grade to semester two of 8th grade. The two assignments i chose were the plot diagram and narrative essay. I chose them because narrative writing is my favorite thing to write and i see such a change between then and now.

So my assignment from semester one was the plot diagram. The plot diagram was a diagram that we downloaded from jupiter grades and we had to think of a story from our lives. I chose a story about my cousin getting her boot stuck in the mud. We had to fill out the exposition, rising action, conflict, climax, falling action, and resolution. I feel that this assignment was a strength of mine because even though i had a couple errors with how i said my sentences, i got my story across in a smooth way. I showed being technoligcly adept by being able to write my story on the ipad with no trouble.  


My assignment from semester two was my actual narrative essay. We had to choose a point of view of either a mom or dad or child during the dust bowl. I chose the child and i made her story as a little girl playing in the fields and watches the dust bowl coming to get her. We had two days to write it and i showed it as one of my strengths. I think this because i was very descriptive in the begining but in the end i cut off the story quikly. I can see that i did the same thing with my first semester writing so i’m going to need to continue to work on that. In this assignment i showed being global and civic minded because even though the focus was on a narrative essay, but we did have to understand the dust bowl and how people reacted to it. 


I have improved from fiest semester to second semester a lot. To be specific, i have learned to be more desriptive in my writing and how to word things properly. My weaknesses as a writer right now is concluding the story. I can improve this in high school by slowly endong the story and not just cittimg it off right away.