
English?English! Well english was drag at times like when we would do essays, but was usually a normal class. We would learn some new form of english that Mrs. Lepre would stick into our brains. The reason I’m writing this blog post today is to reflect on how I improved over the two years, from 7th to 8th. I chose the “Bottle or Tap water” and the “Toilet to Tap” Performance Task. These two show the weaknesses I had during 7th grade and how I improve on them during 8th grade.

7th Grade:


In the picture above, you can see the 7th grade Performance Task that I made and red highlights.The Performance Task is a yearly essay that we would take and write argue about a specific topic that we would agree on or disagree. These highlights are what I was weak in producing. The first is the claim of my argument, also known as my statement. In the 7th Performance Task I made my statement unclear and recognizable. The second highlights are my weak evidence identification and weak supporting explanation for the evidence. The last was a very big issue. I didn’t phrase the evidence I used into my own words. I accidentally plagiarized. I learned to be a critical thinker by helping me use my sources to support my claims.

8th Grade:


This is the 8th grade Performance Task that I took a few months back. It’s like the Performance Task from 7th, but a little more difficult. I highlighted the improvement I achieve on the weaknesses I had before. First, I was able to now state my claim clearly. As well in quoting my sources that I get my information and having all my paragraph non-plagiarized from the source.


I was able to fix the mistakes I would make when I write. I improved a lot over my time as a 8th grader,but I also gained new a weakness. I keep on using the same word too much. In the writing I almost have TTT(Toilet to Tap) almost every sentence. When I get into my high school year I will practice to stop repeatedly using the same word to a point. I learned to critically think about how I would use details I gain to support my claim.