Portfolio Night Reflection

During the past 2 years in Ms. Lepre’s English class, I have learned a lot about the rules of the english language. In 7th english was mostly about reading passages and writing essays. In 8th we did more that but we learned how to improve our skills that we learned and try to go over that. This blog post is about our upcoming Portfolio Night which we show our parents and teachers our improvement during the time at this school. For each class we had to choose 2 assignments and explain how and why we chose them. For English I chose What is Irony? Blog Post (Semester 1 because I couldn’t get any of my seventh grade assignments) and The Lesson of the Moth Blog Post which I did in Semester 2. I chose these two because they are both blogs that where done on different topics. The What is Irony post was to explain to a elementary school student what is irony and for the lesson of the moth, it was the two perspectives of two philosophies.
For Semester 1, What is Irony?, this blog post was to explain to a elementary school imagechild What is Irony? We had to define what irony was and then give a incorrect example and correct it. We then proceeded to look for pictures where irony was used then we explained what was so ironic about the photo and put a link to a website for anybody who still didn’t get it. The first annotation was what I needed to fix. I put that I should’ve put more detail into defining irony since we are explaining it to an elementary school kid. My second annotation is what I did good on. I figured out how the picture I used was irony because I knew that you couldn’t call the phone service without a working phone. By choosing this assignment I demonstrated that I am a critical and creative thinker because I had to think creatively to figure out how the picture was ironic.
For Semester 2, The Lesson of the Moth, I also did another blog post comparing 2 philosophies. One philosophy was taking risks in life and the other was living your life to the fullest. These two philosophies were represented by a moth and a cockroach. The moth as taking risks and the cockroach as ti living your life to the fullest. This wasimage a poem which the two insects were having a conversation about how to live life and whether you should or shouldn’t take risks. For the blog we had to summarize what the poem was about to show to our teacher that we understood the poem. One thing that I noticed that I should’ve done was to describe the poem more, like giving examples of what I mean. One thing that I did well on was that I explained the two different points of view of the two insects. By doing this assignment I demonstrated that I was a critical and creative thinker because I found out what the 2 philosophies were and how the 2 insects represented them.
Between now and then my writing has improved but somethings I still need to work on. Many of the things are small but some are big. Overall first semester was bad but I proved to myself that I can improve and make a good writing. As for high school I would still need to improve on what I still don’t write about. But as time goes on my writing will improve and I will have a good understanding of the english language.