English has been very insightful for me over these last two years and I’ve learned a lot about literature, grammar, and reading stories. I’m writing this blog post so I can reflect on what has transpired over these last two years for me and my intellect. To fully expand why these two years have been an asset for me I am going to use one assignment from 7th grade and one assignment from 8th grade. The first assignment that I chose from 7th grade was the Murder Mystery assignment and I also chose the Mythical and Biblical illusions assignment from 8th grade as well. I chose these two assignments because I think that they both are closely related to one another. One reason would be that they both include evaluating evidence and words that have a story behind them. Another one would being to know what they mean in your opinion. So that is why I chose these assignments.


Now you probably ask, what did I for this assignment, well I’ll give you the gist of it. At first we were presented with a photo containing multiple traces of either a robbery or an attempted, and successful, suicide. After which we were then given a bit of backstory about a witness who happened to be there at the time. Now as for the annotations I do believe I covered the general consensus about summarizing fiction and its general ideas. However, I feel like I can improve on finding how things develop like the plot or the new context of old things. Through this I can assuredly say that I have become a better effective communicator because this assignment involved stating opinions and evaluating evidence.



Then there’s the assignment that I have accomplished this very school year. The Mythical and Biblical Illusions assignment was very simple. We were given a sentence with a word relating to gods or deities and we had to figure out what the word meant. Then it was the simple concept of finding which context it was used under. As for the annotations that were made I really had no trouble with this and that there is no room for improvement here. Finally the flags learning outcome that I have learned through this is World Language Fluency of all things. I believe this because I had to research the gods of others like the romans and know who they were and what they did.


Now I am driven to the last part of this presentation. Over the time that I have been here I have become more intelligent, more evaluative, and being more insightful thanks to these and many more assignments. The information that I have received has improved my abilities from 7th to 8th grade. Now that I’m about to finish 8th grade I feel really confident and prepared for high school.