English class these past two years has been hard and fun. We have done so many assignments and have learned many new things. I’m writing this blog post because I am going to talk about my strength and weaknesses of seventh and eigth grade. I chose two assignments for my reflection, one is called Murder Mystery from seventh grade. The other is called Flowers for Algernon (blog post).

My seventh grade artifact is Murder Mystery. We had to anylize a picture and find clues to the murder. Once we had found out enogh information on the picture, we then had to write a paragraph on who we thought the murderer was.


What I wrote on here were some weaknesses. Almost all of my paragraph did not make sense. My strength was being able to figure out who the murder was. I would repeat words and create sentences that didn’t make sense. This helped me to become a critical and creative thinker because by finding the evidence I was able to become a creative thinker.

For my eigth grade artifact I chose was Flowers for Algernon Blog Post. We had to read the story and then create a paragraph on what we thought. Here are some annotations on my strengths and weaknesses.


Once again A weakness I had was repeating words to many times. My strength was being able to make a claim by using evidence from Flowers for Algernon. This assignment helped me to become Technology Adept because I am able to show what I think online.


I have improved a lot since seventh grade. I am now able to do many things I couldn’t do. I have improved on writing but I still have the weakness of repeating words to much. I can improve by continuing to write.