English class in 7th and 8th grade has been pretty cool. We don’t really get homework and its am easy class. I am writing this blog post for a thing called portfolio night which is where we make a presentation about the work we have done over the year. The assighnment I chose to represent my work in english class was my essay from 7th grade about tap water vs bottled water and I also chose a blog post from 8th grade. I chose these assighnments because I thought they were the best to showcase how much I have grown


The first assignment I chose for 7th grade was my essay about bottled water vs tap


The annotations that I made to my essay were mostly spelling mistakes because I was not careful to double check my spelling. The other annotation was where I used the wrong piece of evidence to support my claim. The FLAGS learning outcome that was demonstrated in this assignment was effective communicator.


For my 8th grade assignment I chose the all about me blog.


For this blog we had to explain how we were different in person and online. I only made 2 annotations because one of my weaknesses is not explaining things well enough because I didn’t write that much. This assignment shows that I am technology adept.


I think as a writer I have improved a lot on my spelling and going into more detail. However in high school I think I need to work on explaning myself more.