English for me has been great in general. I’ve been lucky enough to have Ms. Lepre for both years. I am writing this blog post to help me out with my Portfolio Night speech for this subject. The two assignments I choose were my 7th grade Performance Task called “Non-monetary benefits of college” and my 8th grade assignment was another Performance Task called “Cost of college”. I choose these two assignments because they really show how I’ve improved in these past two years.

In the first performance task we had to write about the benefits of being able to attend college. I highlighted some evidence that wasn’t well explained. This is one of my few weaknesses. Supporting what i say with proper evidence and explaining why this evidence is reasonable has never been one of my strengths so this is why this is highlighted. The FLAGS outcome I was able to achieve was to be an affective communicator.

In my second assignment I was able to get a perfect score which was 40/40. I was very surprised with this and I can definitely say that I have improved from last year. A strength I’ve always had was to be able to conclude my who,e essay. I think this is the easiest part of writing am essay. A weakness I’ve always had was that I never knew how to start essays. This assignment was about debt from college and how much money every student owes. I was very satisfied with my work this time because I can see how well I have improved from last year. The FLAGS outcome i was able to achieve here was to be an affective communicator as well. I really need to work on introductions but other than that , I shouldn’t under estimate myself because I did great this time.


The only weakness I have is that I do not know how to start essay. At this point I don’t think feel like I have any weaknesses I need to work on because that perfect score made me be more confident and think that I’m a good writer and all I need to do is to keep writing the way I do.