To start off this blog post I’m going to talk about how my experience has been these last two years. I feel like in seventh grade english was great, it was a lot of fun and we did assignments that were actually interesting like slip or trip, and learning about poverty. I loved coming into english, it was my favorite class, my feelings towards this class has gone another direction since then. This year my teacher is being a lot more forceful and strict, which I appreciate since shes getting us ready for high school, but its just a whole different experience from last year. Its not only my english class, but all of my classes I’ve lost interest in. It might be because of the time, because its so close to summer I’ve lost enthusiasm towards anything school related. I’m writing this blog post in preparation for portfolio night, a presentation that kids in flags have to to do. Its basically a fifteen minute presentation the students give to their parents as well as two other sets of parents. Last year everyone thought it was quite dreadful but I don’t mind it, the only problem I have presenting in front of my parents . We’re also writing this blog to show how much I’ve improved in english and to see how far i’ve gone compared to last year. The assignment I chose for last year was “Slip or Trip”, I chose this assignment because it was my favorite assignment. The assignment I chose for eighth grade was online self vs. real self blog post because I liked that as well.

For the seventh grade assignment we had to analyze a picture and compare it to the written situation the charter Margret was giving. After that we made a list of things that matched her story and things that didn’t. Finally we wrote a “police report” giving our final statement. The first hi-light on my writing was two sentences I think I needed to combine better. The second was my introduction sentence which I think I did well on because I got straight to the topic of my paragraph. Lastly the third hi-light was my conclusion statement, I think it was just way to short. I think this assignment made my a critical and creative thinker because I had to analyze different sources and then write about them.


For my eighth grade assignment we had to write a blog post about how we are as a person on the internet and in real person, we also had to create and avatar and a thing link. My first hi-light was on my topic sentence because I think I introduced the topic well. My second hi-light was a really long run on sentence I had no idea I had written until now. And my third hi-light was a description of one of the points I made in the topic sentence which I thought was really good. I think I was being technologically adept because I have to post a blog post as well as create a interactive thing link.

I believe since seventh grade I have improved because there were longs of things I was able to correct as well as learn different writing skills. This year I think can improve by trying to master different writing techniques we learned this year like using brackets or ellipses. I think the best way to improve would be to practice during the summer.