English, 7th and 8th grade, has been interesting. There were classes that were super boring and there were some that were super fun. Having Mrs. Lepre, you never know which kind of day it’ll be. I’m writing this blog post to show you how I have grown as a writer and also to show my reflection on these 2 assignments i’m about to share. I chose the Common Themes and Quotes assignment because they show how I can identify themes and show how I learned how to embed quotes and cite my sources another way.

This assignment, Common Themes, was assigned in 7th grade. This assignment taught me how to find common themes between 2 stories and explain how they were similar. Although I got an A on this assignment, I could’ve elaborated on my evidence and made it even more convincing. The FLAGS outcome this represents is creative and critical thinker because I had to think about the similarities of the 2 stories and be creative and think of a theme that represents them both. image      This next assignment was from this year in 8th grade. It was the Quotes Assignment. Here we had to read an article from actively learn then write a summary, which was one paragraph. In the summary we had to include, an introduction to the article, author, and topic. Following along, we had to also include a quote using ellipses, brackets, and had to cite the paragraph where we found these quotes by using the number of the paragraph at the end of the sentence in parenthesis. This assignment taught me how to embed quotes how to properly write and use them. This shows i’m a technologically adept because I used resources to cite evidence.


I’ve improved as a writer between 7th and 8th grade because i’ve learned new techniques, higher grammar, and learned how to make my writing sound as if i were a famous author. My weaknesses in 8th grade would probably be finding the main idea of articles unless it’s obvious. I could improve this by reading more and finding the purpose.