Blog 23: Solving Equations

Solving equations that are not in a Y = MX + B form is pretty easy. What makes them different is that there isn’t a clear y-intercept or slope so you would have to figure that out one by one. If you have the equation A=1/2bh it will turn into 2(a/b) =h since we are solving for h. We have to get h alone on one side so I divide both sides by b. That gives me a/b=1/2h. Now, I have to divide by 1/2 which gives me the final result of 2(a/b)=h.

Blog 24: Solving Systems of Equations

A system of equations is two equations with a point of intersection. There are many ways to solve a system of equations like graphs, equals value method, substitution, and elimination. In order to find the solution on a graph, you have to graph both lines and see where the lines intersect. Equal Values is where two equations equal y and you make both of those equal to each other. When you find the x, you plug it into an equation to find y. The substitution method is where you substitute one equation into another to end up with one variable only. Then you plug in the x into one equation to find y. Elimination is when you multiply one whole equation by one number to make it cancel out one variable from another equation.