Blog 29: Investigating y=b^x

Today we began learning something called exponential functions. They use exponents as the variable. For example an exponential function is 1(1)^x. How do these equations differ. The change in the coefficient changes the equation as a whole. If the coefficient is 2 in the equation 2^x, the euation will go up by exponential products of two. When i started the lesson, I asked myself, “How complicated is the subject?” After using it, i knkw it is not so hard.

Blog 30: Multiple Reps Web 4 Exponential Functions

On my multiple representations web, exponential equations can connect to a table. This means that a table can be made for these equations. Let’s say you have the equation y=2(3)^x. You can make an table for the info from the equation. You can also make a graph with a curved solpe to represent exponential growth and decay. There canalso be situations made from the data presented in the function to represent the data in a real life context

Blog 31: Updated Web 4 Exponential Functions

Looking back at my previous blog, i realize that i have now used more of the connections. As i stated in blog thirty, i used tables and equations. Niw i have seen how graphs are used to represent the functions. On my web this means that i have two arrows down and two left, but I look forwards to learning situations. This means that i will continue my work on these concepts in krder to achieve mastery. The more i work, the easier the concepts will become in time for a team test.

Blog 32: Graph —) Equation 4 Edponential Functions

In order to write an exponential function from a graph, there are three easy steps. The first is to find the y intercept. Lets say the y intercept is 4. The next step is to find the growth factor. In this case it is 2. The next step is to combine the numbers into a y=ab^x equation. In this case, it is 4(2)^x. This simple three step formula is  effective to find the equation for an exponential graph.

Blog 33: Important Ideas about Exponential Functions

Exponential functions are functions that use exponents(quite obvious) as the growth multiplier. They have curved slopes on a graph and in situations use decimals and percentaged. The words increasing and decreasing also help show that the data is exponential. In an equation they will follow thw format of y=ab^x. The slope on graphs is curved because of the exponents. If the b number is less than one, the graph shows decay. If otherwise, it is growth.