Blog 29: Investigating Y=B^X:

An exponential graph is either curving up or either curving down. It usually curves either up or down. When the equation has a negative b it curves down and when it is positive it goes down. In this lesson I learned about the different exponential graphs and how they change based on how the b value also changes. I was asking myself various questions in this lesson. I was asking my self some questions like ; what number would give me a straight line? do decimals make all the equations go down? and how do positive and negative numbers affect the shape of the graph.?


Blog 30: Multiple Representations Web for Exponential Functions:

I have learned about how exponential functions work, with an exponential function I can now make a table and I graph. I still need to explore how to make a situation based on an exponential graph given to me . For example if I have an equation such as y=20(3)^x then I can complete a table and graph. I can complete a table by plugging in 1,2,3,4 …. as the exponent x. I was able to complete the table because I know the growth on this equation/ the multiplier. I can also do a graph from just knowing the equation and the table. It is easy to make a graph because of you have a table it tells you what every single point is from.


Blog 31: Updated Web for Exponential Functions:

On this lesson I have now learned more about how I can use equations to make a graph and a table. I can create a table by using the equation and vice versa . I can also make a graph by using an equation or table. I can make a table by using a graph because I can see what every point on the graph is on the x and y axis. I can also use a graph and table to make an equation. I still need to find how to use a situation to make an equation,table and graph.


Blog 32: Graph to Equation for Exponential Functions:

To write an exponential function given the graph that includes a y intercept you have to use the equation y=ab^x. In an exponential equation the a is the y intercept and the b is the growth.If you want to find the growth you could plug in an x and y value . When you plug it in x is the exponent and y is what the equation is equal to.You have to find b so you divide the equation by the y intercept. Once you have divided it you should have the answer = b to the power of which ever number is x . The final step is that you have to fond which number to the exponent equals y. This is how you get the b in the equation. Below is an example of how to find an equation using a graph.


Blog 33: Important Ideas About Exponential Functions:

In this chapter I have learned various things about exponential functions. I learned how to make an exponential equation. An exponential equation is written in this from y=ab^x. I also know how to do an exponential graph. An exponential graph is either curving up or down . An exponential table does not always look constant because you are multiplying. I have also learned about compound and simple interest. Simple interest is a constant rate of growth and a compound interest is not constant because it is multiplying by a certain number. Exponential functions are very important because we get to learn about how interest works and how to deal with real life situations.
