For the past two years, my teacher, Mrs. Lepre has taught me English. Since I first stepped into her classroom, I have shown so much growth and improvement. In our most recent assignment, I was asked to choose 2 assignments that illustrate just how much I’ve learned. For this assignment, I chose to display a video project I did, and a blog post. I chose these two because I am very proud of them and they showcase both my strengths and weaknesses.


In 7th grade, I wrote an essay in which, I argued why Bottled Water is better than Tap. I read a handful of different sources and created an essay. I pointed out important reasoning and I cited four different sources. I even created a counter-argument and rebuttal. This assignment teaches me how to be an effective communicator, since I learn how to argue my point with evidence.


This year, I read a poem titled, The Lesson of the Moth, by Don Marquis. In this assignment we read and annotated the poem. After that we wrote a blog post explaining the meaning of the poem and key facts. The poem is about a moth explaining his lifestyle to a cockroach. The moth tells the cockroach how he’d rather be happy and be burned up with beauty than to live a long dull life. My blog post was great and got key points across, however I only use one piece of evidence. I should’ve elaborated more and used more evidence. This assignment taught me to be a critical thinker, since I question important things, and I think critically about life.

Since 7th grade, I have become a much better writer. I learned how to cite evidence correctly and I also learned how to use better transitions. Even though we worked on it, I have trouble elaborating to prove my point, but I can always use details and practice writing to improve for high school.