Category: acardona3

acardona3, lauriebworthy, Math, Period 4

Unit 8 Blogs: Exponents, Exponential Growth & Scientific Notation

acardona3, Integrated Math 8, lauriebworthy, Math, Period 4

Unit 7 Blogs: Slope and Associations

acardona3, English, Mrs. Lepre, Uncategorized

English Rocks

acardona3, Integrated Math 8, lauriebworthy, Math, Period 4

Unit 6: transformations and similarity

acardona3, English, Mrs. Lepre, Period 5

The lesson of the moth

acardona3, Integrated Math 8, lauriebworthy, Math, Period 4

The exploding of the pumpkin

acardona3, Integrated Math 8, lauriebworthy, Math, Period 4

Unit 4 blogs: multiple representations

acardona3, English, Period 5

Prezi is the best

About Our Class, acardona3, English, Mrs. Lepre, Period 5, Uncategorized

Week 3: pictures have words

acardona3, Amanjarrez, Period 3, Uncategorized

Agree or disagree

About Our Class, acardona3, Uncategorized

Blog challenge

acardona3, Amanjarrez, Period 3, U.S. History

Boston massacre

acardona3, Mrs. Lepre, Period 5

My grades so far

acardona3, English, Mrs. Lepre, Period 5

Irony is everywhere

acardona3, Integrated Math 8, lauriebworthy

Proportional Reasoning

acardona3, Mrs. Lepre

People abuse powers in different ways

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