Author: dlarive

dlarive, English, Mrs. Lepre, Uncategorized

English Reflection

dlarive, Integrated Math 1, lauriebworthy, Math, Period 5, Uncategorized

Unit 8 Blogs: Exponential Functions

dlarive, Integrated Math 1, lauriebworthy, Math, Period 5, Uncategorized

Unit 7 Blogs: Congruence and Coordinate Geometry

dlarive, Ms. Manjarrez, Period 6, U.S. History

The Westward Expansion, Impact on Natives

dlarive, Integrated Math 1, lauriebworthy, Math, Period 5

Unit 6 Blogs: Systems of Equations

dlarive, Integrated Math 1, lauriebworthy, Math, Period 5

Unit 5 Blogs: Sequences

dlarive, English, Mrs. Lepre, Period 3

The Lesson of the Moth

dlarive, Integrated Math 1, lauriebworthy, Math, Period 5

Unit 4 Blogs: Modeling Two Variable Data

dlarive, Integrated Math 1, lauriebworthy, Math, Period 5, Uncategorized

Unit 3 Blogs: Transformations & Solving Complex Equations

dlarive, English, Period 3

Which presentation app should you use?

dlarive, Ms. Manjarrez, Period 6, U.S. History

5th Blogging Challenge About Food

dlarive, Integrated Math 1, lauriebworthy, Period 5

Unit 2 Blogs: Linear Functions

About Our Class, dlarive

Student Challenge Week 3

About Our Class, dlarive

Blogging Challenge

dlarive, Ms. Manjarrez, Period 6

Thomas Paine is Right!

dlarive, Ms. Manjarrez, Period 6, U.S. History

Killed Innocent Colonists

dlarive, English, Mrs. Lepre, Period 3

My Wonderful Grades

dlarive, Integrated Math 1, lauriebworthy, Period 5

Unit 1 Blogs

dlarive, English, Mrs. Lepre, Period 3

Irony Is Everywhere

dlarive, Mrs. Lepre

Scientific Experiments

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