Category: gmelendrez2

gmelendrez2, lauriebworthy, Math, Period 3

Unit #8 blogs

gmelendrez2, Integrated Math 8, lauriebworthy, Math, Period 3

Unit 7 Blogs: Slope and Associations

gmelendrez2, Integrated Math 8, lauriebworthy

Unit 6 Blogs: Transformations and similarities

English, gmelendrez2, Mrs. Lepre, Period 1

The moth and the roach

gmelendrez2, Integrated Math 8, lauriebworthy, Math, Period 3

Pumpkin time bomb experiment

gmelendrez2, Ms. Manjarrez, Period 2, U.S. History

Student Challenge Week 5: Our Food

English, gmelendrez2, Period 1, Uncategorized

Which app would you present with?

gmelendrez2, Integrated Math 8, lauriebworthy, Math, Period 3

Unit 2 Blogs: Graphs and Equations

About Our Class, gmelendrez2

Weekly Challenge Week #3

About Our Class, English, gmelendrez2, Mrs. Lepre, Period 1

Real Me vs Online Me

gmelendrez2, Ms. Manjarrez, Period 2, U.S. History

Thomas Paine: Tyranny of Britain

gmelendrez2, Ms. Manjarrez, Period 1, U.S. History

The Boston Massacre: Murder or Self-Defense

gmelendrez2, Integrated Math 8, lauriebworthy, Math, Period 3

Unit 2 blogs: Simplifying Variable Expressions

English, gmelendrez2, Mrs. Lepre, Period 1

The First Six Weeks

English, gmelendrez2, Mrs. Lepre, Period 1

Ironic or Not Ironic?

gmelendrez2, Integrated Math 8, lauriebworthy

Proportional reasoning

gmelendrez2, Mrs. Lepre

The mistreatment of mentally challenged people

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