Solving equations with fractions


You can create an equivalent equation with fractions by first, seeing if they equal the same thing, like if they were both y =, that means they both equal y. In deciding which number to multiply, you multiply the common factor of each denominator. After that, you only multiply the numerator and not the denominator. The next step is to divide to make them whole numbers and solve as is, if you know how to solve equations like that.

Points of intersection



In this situation,the point of intersection shows where they, the hare are equal to each other and are at the same points. The turtle starts off at zero and is a little behind from the hare. Once he gets to the point of intersection, it seems to be that he starts going faster. The hare does not start at zero and appears to be faster than the turtle but, slows down at the point of intersection.

Equal values method


To continue on from the solving equations with fractions, once you have the whole numbers and know they are equal to the same thing or in this case, y, you are ready for this next step. First, you set the equations equivalent to each other. Next, you see if you can do balanced sets or zero pairs, if not, move on to the next step. Then, you might have to add or subtract some values, maybe add 2x or -3x. Once you get your answer, plug it in to one of the equations and if it equals to whatever you are trying to get, you got it right. But wait, there’s more. You are not finished until you put everything into a coordinate!!