
Cheating, a world problem

Cheating is a really big problem in schools all over the world. I believe that people cheat because they are too lazy or they don’t want to get in trouble for not doing the work. Because of this they can get kicked out of school or they can talk to someone about not cheating anymore. People just want to take the easy way out and they do that by persuading their classmate to give them the work and that classmate just wants to help them out. But if it constantly happens then there’s a problem and the classmate just has to stop giving them the work so they can do it themselves.

Is cheating worth the risk

I believe that cheating shouldn’t be allowed but is someone uses it as a reference for their work but doesn’t copy it word for word then that’s fine. But if they keep on asking for it and copying your work and getting your credit then that’s not good. Cheating on work isn’t worth the risk of getting kicked out of school just because you were to lazy to do your own work.

No one wants to get in trouble

In conclusion my final thoughts on cheating is that the people who are giving their classmates work they should stop since now they know the consequences and for the people who are slaking with their work just try your best or else both of you are going to get in trouble.