Motivation for Cheating

Now, you must be wondering “why do people cheat anyway?”well the answer to that question is that most high school and middle school students think that it will only affect them in that exact moment but not in the future. On an article, “College Admissions: America’s High School Epidemic”, it states that the price for cheating in high school is getting suspended but it will also damage their opportunities to get in a good college greatly.

Is Cheating A Good Thing

I believe that cheating should not be done unless it is an absolute emergency. However I only believe in cheating in homework not on tests or anything big like that. Other people probably cheat because they get good at it. They probably think “hey the teacher didn’t notice I could do this more often” and that how they start believing it is something good. In the text it says that students thrive at cheating. Into my eyes cheating will only be used for a few homeworks but never on tests or projects

Final Thoughts on Cheating

My thoughts on cheating are that it is not O.K to do it frequently but only few times and only on homework and on emergencies like for example let’s say someone is absent for a week and he asks his friends for a few homeworks now that would be an acceptable cheating. This is all I believe about cheating.
