My grades so far:

Since so far I have straight A’s, I’m most proud of all my grades. So far I’m not worried about any of my grades, but if they get lower I can always work on them to get them back up. For this progress report, I think I earned straight A’s because I do my homework and assignments and whenever theypres a test I study.

This Grading Period:

I think that this grading period I have been successful. I did my homework and did good on quizzes, and I got straight A’s. To me I think that’s successful. My greatest challenge has been when I was absent and I had to make up all the work I missed, but other than that nothing was really challenging. I don’t think anything really affected my grades in a bad way.

My Opinion on my Grades:

I think to maintain my grades at A’s, I can keep doing my homework all the time and just doing good. I think that since I got good grades my parents will be happy with them. They are usually really strict with grades and stuff, so I’m happy that for this grading period I won’t have to be worried about them getting mad. So far school has been pretty easy, but it’s barely the beginning so it’ll probably get harder.
