In this weeks blog we had to compare different presentation apps. We used Explain Everything, Google Slides, Prezi, Keynote/Powerpint, and Adobe Voice. We had to write down critiria that the apps had. Then our group divided in a ranking of 1 to 5. And the class ranked to know which one the class decided that was the best.

The critiria that we chose where good design, easy to use, can add photos or videos, easy to share, and it must have storage services. We chose this because this would be the easiest app to use. And this would be a good app for a presentation. The app that I chose to test drive was Adobe Voice. The app was easy to use. And it was also really easy to share and to design. And you coul save it on your device really easy.

Heres a link to my presentation:

My groso and I has to rank the app from 1 to 5. So we could know which onces the whole clase votes for to se what was vote das the best app to use. I also think people didn’t like my app because there was others that had more free things that could make a pres that ion better. And I think I will use the app that got ranked number one in the future to use it for school. And what I learned from this was how to comare different app and how to compare different things and write the critiria about different apps.