This week Mrs. Lepre had us watch a video and read articles on ways to evaluate different items and we used that as a guide to find our own criteria in looking for presentation apps. After deciding our group’s criteria, each person had to evaluate one of the 5 apps by making a test presentation.


The five criteria we chose as a team were: resolution and size & mobility of the pictures and text, wether it was easy to use, feature options, and layout. The app that I chose to test drive was Adobe Voice. Adobe voice worked very well with our criteria: The resolution is high unless the font stays really big, it looks to crispy at the end. You cannot change how big a picture or text box is, only if you choose a different layout. Adobe voice is  VERY easy to use and easy to import to your camera roll. You can import audio including your voice and music as well as good transitions. The layouts are very formal and you can fit many different options.

Here is a link to my PRESENTATION


To decide the final rankings of the apps, each member of our group showed us their presentation, a brief summary of how the app fit our criteria, and our favorite thing about the app. When my teammates didn’t like the app I tested I was quite surprised because I really liked my app and how smoothly and easily everything would run and fit together. Maybe I just didn’t show all of its features to their best ability, but I think they couldn’t see how easy it was to use because they weren’t the ones that had to use it. I was also very surprised when all of my teammates voted for PowerPoint as the #1 app because I used it for my last project and I believe it has to many choices to choose that it’s just to complicated. I think I will use the students’ top rated app in this case “PowerPoint” for any professional type of presentations I need to do like the ones for a good grade. This project taught me not to judge an app by it’s icon or reputation because some apps are a lot easier than others and unless you try them out yourself you will never know.