English class has been very exciting the past two years. At some points it was boring and at other points it was fun, but besides that, Ive been taught many things these last two years in english class. Many of those things, I didnt know how to do before and other things Ive discovered before. Im writing this blog post to relfect on my writing skills back in 7th grade and compare them to my writing abilities now. I have chosen two assignments.

The first assignment I have chosen is water wars. Ive decided to reflect on this because its an assignment from 7th grade and it really showed off my writing abilities at the moment. For water wars we got put in groups of 4 people. Together, the four of us, had to analyze articles and even charts to help support our claim. Our claim was the answer to the question: Whats better? Bottled water, fountain water, or tap water? In the end we wrote a script and we all agreed on our claim. With that script we made a video expressing our believe on what was better. A Flags learning outcome that this assignment can proclaim to is being Technologically Adept. This makes me technologically adept because we had to make a video on our ipad about the topic. We went through recording and editing. In the end it was a fun assignment/project.image

The next assignment im going to reflect on is the Lesson of The Moth. For this assignment we read a peom and we annotated it. After that we commited ourselves to drawing a picture for every stansa in the poem. A flags learning outcome that this pertains to is being a critical and creative thinker because we had to think hard about what we were going to draw to represent the stansas. After that we also answered several questions and wrote mini paragraphs about the poem.image

If I compare my writing in seventh grade with my writing in eighth grade you can tell that ive improved in deveral areas. For example I can now use transitions more smoothly in my writing. Something that Ive noticed improving in my writing is my quote integrating. I integrate quotes into my text in a manner that easier to read. In eigth grade I have a weakness for using strong vocab. With future assignments I hope to improve.