From Leprecorns* to Lepreezy,** English with Mrs. Lepre has been pretty interesting. I have improved a whole lot. I’m writing this blog post to show how I have evolved as a writer through these 2 years. I chose to write about my 7th grade performance task essay and the “Cost of College” essay because you can really see how I’ve improved.
In this college essay, we were supposed to write about the benefits of going to college. I marked red on the to because I was supposed to write too instead. I had a strong thesis statement which was one of my strengths. I had some punctuation errors like capitalizing college when it wasn’t supposed to be capitalized. My quoting and explaining everything was really good though. I think that has always been my strength. I had always changed up my transitions and rarely used the same ones. I paraphrased really well too. I capitalized what wasn’t supposed to be capitalized. This has made me an effective communicator because I expressed my thoughts, used primary and secondary sources and defended my argument.

In this essay, I was supposed to write about the cost of college. I did not really find weaknesses in this one, I mostly found strengths. I found that my thesis statement was still going on good and still strong. I paraphrased instead of quoting which was an improvement for me. The flags outcome i demonstrated was effective communicator. I provided evidence for all my arguments.image
I improved as a writer by paraphrasing and explaining better. Although, I think I need to learn how to write more in a shorter period of time like when we have tests.
*Unicorns with Mrs. Lepre’s head on them
**To be chill; laid back